Sustainability Roadmap
This page demonstrates our commitment to sustainable development and to the practices that we are implementing, guided by the United Nations and their Sustainable Development Goals:
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 12 - Responsible consumption
Goal 13 - Climate action
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals
Mission and Vision
We're on a mission to make renting and lending kidswear a preferred choice among parents and reduce waste by closing the loop.
Our vision is to become the leading circular one-stop children's products rental & resale marketplace for parents, brands & retailers across Europe.

Action 1 is to lower clothes environmental impact for the items you rent instead of buying: save resources, reduce waste & carbon footprint.

Action 2 is to increase the number of wears & promote choosing preloved over new to help extending the lifespan of clothing.

Action 3 is to repair thes clothes that can be used for longer if fixed. Discarded clothing makes up most textile waste.

Action 4 is to redesign clothes that have reached the end of its useful life but could still be used if remade into new garments.

Action 5 is build partnerships to minimise waste & maximise the time clothes or materials are in the circulation, aiming zero waste.

The goal is to improve all the processes actions (reduce, rewear, repair, remake & recycle) to deliver a fully circular rental service.
Key sustainability objectives
1. Focus on company’s sustainability commitments & become a fully circular rental marketplace.
2. Become a zero waste business to make our ecological footprint almost irrelevant & reach net zero.
3. Make lending & renting kidswear accessible, a popular choice & matter of course for parents in Europe to reduce kidswear industry’s environmental impact.
Click here to download and read the full PDF of our Sustainability Roadmap & Policy.